In this graph I compare three variables: CET, sunspot cycles and N. Atlantic tectonic count

It can be seen that there is a partial correlation between all three.
It is also said that solar activity doesn’t change enough to explain rise in the temperature,
but the graph suggests opposite, despite correlation being ‘transitory’.
It is almost certain that the CET cannot drive the North Atlantic tectonics, and yet there is
partial correlation there too. However, the opposite is not only possible but could be likely.
There is also partial correlation between solar activity and the tectonics, as yet an unknown.
Further search shows correlation of atmospheric pressure to the tectonic count

so what is going here?
Hard to untangle, but one path in the more elaborate flow-chart states:
Solar periodic activity and tectonics are related through common cause (whatever that may be)
tectonics drives changes in the Arctic atmospheric pressure
atmospheric pressure in turn controls the polar jet stream’s meandering
the jet stream governs the temperature variability in the N. Hemisphere.

More charts can be found here: Graphs and Formulae
© m.a. vukcevic