SOLAR-EARTH magnetic link

For some time now I claimed that such link exists, but this is disputed by experts. Here I present, if not definitive then at least initial step towards the proof of existence of the imprint of the solar magnetic activity on the Earth's magnetic field.
Of particular interest is geomagnetic minor 'flip' in 1970s.
Up to that time the Hudson bay magnetic pole negative gradient was faithfully following, with minor exceptions, the solar activity with a (for the moment not explicable) 34 year delay. In 1970 this correlation changes sign.
In addition Siberian magnetic pole responds, with positive correlation and no delay, to the changes in the solar activity.

Dr.Leif Svalgaard from Stanford University  says:

So there is a solar cycle variation of the external current that is comparable to the secular variation.

More charts can be found here: Graphs and Formulae

© m.a. vukcevic